This week was nuts! We had a ton of exchanges, so elder Johnson and I weren't even together from Tuesday to Friday night. I was with Elder Jarvies for the first exchange and Elder Rasmussen for the second one. They're both good kids, but man they are different from me and Elder Johnson. Neither one of them really gets my sense of humor. I think it's too dry and sarcastic. That made it kinda awkward, but it was fun. We saw lots of miracles.
We also tried multiple times to baptize Daniel. That man caused a lot of chaos for us this week. We had his baptism scheduled for Monday, but then he found work so we moved it to Tuesday. Tuesday morning he got his schedule for the week and we weren't able to do the baptism until Friday. Friday night came and he was supposed to be baptized at 8:00pm. He called us at 7:30pm to tell us he wouldnt get off work until 10:00pm, so we called President Bussey and we got permission to do the baptism at 11:00pm... We had 30 members in the church that late waiting for him, and he never showed up. We finally got ahold of him and it turns out his replacement never showed up so he had to work until 8:00am the next day. It was a 22 hour shift... He really wanted to be baptized asap though, so we did it Saturday at 1:00pm. The baptism went well. After so many failed attempts the members didn't want to come again, so there were only 5 of us there. It was good though.
After his baptism we went back to piso to eat lunch, but as soon as we started cooking we got a call from a member from another ward. He had a friend that lives in our area that wants to meet with us. We ran over to the church and the lesson was awesome. Her name is Wendy. She has met with the missionaries before, and we invited her to be baptized and she accepted the invitation. She was a little hesitant, but we planned March 9 for her date. She came to church on Sunday and we have an appointment with her tonight. I'm excited for her.
My favorite part of the week was going to the temple this morning for the sealing of Jonathan and Melania. We started the day at 9:00am. We were able to do an endowment session with them, and then we went with to do the sealing. We had the whole squad there today. Elder Johnson, Elder Hinckley, Elder Rogers, Elder Tiebing and I were all able to go. We all served there at the same time almost a year ago. I've got to be honest, that experience this morning just made the mission for me. We were able to see him all the way, baptism to sealing. When we were in the celestial room he grabbed us all and pretty much gave us a little pep talk. He basically just told us that everything we do in the mission, all the street contacting, all the long hours and things that we don't like, are worth it because we are helping people get to this point. I feel really lucky to be able to have this experience in my mission. Not many people have this.
They loved the package you sent for them. I actually used the copy of The Family: a Proclamation to the World that you sent for a spiritual thought after lunch. Jonathan asked me if I could share something, so I figured there was nothing better than that to talk about. He started crying when I told him that was a gift from my family to his family.
That's a long email, but it was a good week. We were busy. This next week will be similar. We have mission leadership council with President Johnson, zone conference, 2 exchanges, and another baptismal interview. We're also hoping to get Katty and Milagros back on track for their baptism next week. We had to push it back because of their work. Also, did you get an email from the mission this week?
Love you guys,
Elder Johnson
Me, Daniel, Elder Johnson |
FHE with Katty and Milagros |