Hey guys,
Its the last week of the transfer! Every week is always so busy and chaotic, yet I still don't know what to write about. This weekend will be lots of fun though. Saturday and Sunday we will watch general conference, Sunday is Easter, and Monday is when one of us will leave the islands. I'm pretty sure that won't be me, but we'll see. I hope not. We are still making plans, but we should be able to watch all of conference again.
We started the Easter initiative #siempreahí this week. It's super cool the way they do it. We all got these super fancy, super secret pdf's that were instructions especially for full-time missionaries last week. It's been a huge help and we are seeing a lot of success with it. I'm going to try to get more involved with Facebook this week. I want to use it, but I still never know what to post. Some things never change...
So grandpa asked what I mean when I say that we "drop" investigators. Normally we have between 10 and 20 investigators at a time, and can be tough to organize the appointments and split the time as needed, so when we have someone that isn't progressing towards baptism we usually stop teaching them for a while. Normally we just set a reminder and get in contact in a few weeks or months when they are more prepared. But in the end we just need to use the time the best and focus on the people the lord has prepared. Good news though, this week we found more new investigators than any other week in my mission, and one of them has a baptismal date on April 28. We also have an interview scheduled for Saturday so that we can have a baptism next Saturday, the 7th.
We finally climbed Teide today! It was amazing how we went from the beach this morning to 2,500 feet in a few hours. Before noon we saw the ocean, a forest, a desert, and snow. We went with a huge group, between the members and the missionaries we had 15 people, pretty fun. We ate lunch in a place called the siete Cañadas. Also, that picture you sent me a while back of the observatory... We went there. Today is a little shorter pday because we scheduled some appointments early, but the schedules changed again. Now we wake up at 7:30 and go to bed at 11:30. We're back to the summer schedule. It's crazy how fast time is going, I feel like we just did this.
There was a miracle this week. The zone leaders went to Madrid for a meeting and they grabbed a few packages. Luckily mine was one of them. Then on Monday our district leader flew to their island for Intercambios and brought it back here. So I got your package on Wednesday. That was a awesome one. I love the ties (I have way too many now) and the socks are awesome. The treats will be amazing for general conference as well. Thank you guys for that. I'll upload some pictures today, and I'll write you a good email next week about conference and transfers.
Love you guys!
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