Monday, November 6, 2017

Week 15 - Chicken Hearts and Sleepovers


This week flew by. We were so busy. It was one of those weeks where we had so much good, and a ton of bad, but you don't really notice the bad until the end cause you're focused on the good. 

Miracle/Spiritual Highlight: OK, so found an older couple in the area book this week and decided to go visit them. It showed that they are members, but not active. So when we got out there we had a spiritual thought prepared and just planned on getting to know them. They were so happy to see us though. It turns out they want to try to go to church, but they haven't been able to because of health issues. They thought they had to drive an hour and a half to valladolid. They had no idea about our new Zamora group. They're solid though, awesome testimonies. So we shared our spiritual thought and then asked them if we could do anything for them, and she asked for a blessing for her health issues. We talked about it for a minute and asked if he would like to give the blessing, but he said he couldn't because he didn't have the priesthood anymore. We were really confused by that, but it turns out he felt really guilty about not going to church for the last little while. We talked about it for a while and in the end he decided he would give her the blessing. Afterwards the spirit was really stong, and it was very emotional. I can't really describe it. But imagine what it would be like when you have a burden like that lifted off of your shoulders. It was obvious that had been bothering him for a while. And for her it was emotional too. She was just crying and crying and thanking us. But really we hadn't done much. So after all of that he asked me to give him a blessing. That was my first blessing in spanish. I've given one in english, and anointed the oil in spanish a few times, but this one scared me. It was so cool though. We're going back this week to see them again.  

Food: Hmmmm, food... yeah it was a good food week. Tuesday we went to a dominican investigators house. (He's awesome, he lived in New York for like 10 years so his English is perfect.) He was cooking when we got there, so he offered us a plate. I wish I had a picture of elder Jagers face. It was just a big plate of rice with chicken hearts and onions. Im glad I've tried that before cause it would have been pretty scary. I loved it though, I probably ate 40 hearts. Then the next day we went to "Mark's" new place and had a BBQ. They always feed us so much. I ate like 3 steaks, 1 chicken breast, and 3 sausages. Plus salads. I thought I was going to throw up. Im pretty sure they think they get extra blessings when they feed us a lot. 

The Rest: Yeah, so I mentioned that there was bad... we basically lost every investigator this week and our hopes of a church group here fell apart. We haven't found any new investigators in 2 weeks. Oh yeah, we had a baptism scheduled for Nov. 25, and that's already canceled. :) 

We were either dropped by the investigators throughout the week, or we had to drop them because they weren't progressing anymore. That one kind happened gradually. And yes that includes the "second mom" I had mentioned. We are actually passing by tonight to let her know. She has ditched us 4 times this week though, so we don't really have another option. Our church group happened pretty fast. "Mark" and his family moved too far away so they're part of Salamanca now, our member family moved to England, and we have no investigators. Cool right. So yeah, that's gone. The lady that I told you guys about that split from from her boyfriend had a little miracle this week, and blew it. She had some things happen at work that allowed her to come to the meeting yesterday, and she called us super excited, but then she never showed up. Nobody did. We haven't heard from her still. I'm hoping everything is ok, but we will have to move the date back that we set for the 25th cause she needs to come to church 3 times. 

We did have lots of fun though. Wednesday we were at "Mark's" new house and we helped him paint. We had the Salamanca elders come help us, so we slept in Salamanca Tuesday night and then had a mini roadtrip Wednesday morning. Then we had Intercambios Thursday and Friday with the Zone leaders. Valladolid is awesome. It's massive compared to Zamora. I was with elder Douglas, elder Jagers old companion. We had tons of fun. I think it's super cool that Cari served there. With all of that we had 2 Sleepovers this week, that's super fun. 

We didn't do anything fun today, just cleaned and took a nap. I am honestly just exhausted. I don't really have pictures because of that though. I think I can send some from last week that I wasnt able to send at first. 



elder jager isn't trying to flip off the camera, I promise. That picture is in valladolid. the next picture is our church/park. It's just pretty. I forgot to mention that we came home to our piso building being on fire on wednesday. theres the view from our piso. 

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