Thursday, December 7, 2017


Hey guys,

Its been a week and a half since I last emailed. It feels like we do the exact same thing everyday right now but at the same time a ton has changed this transfer. I had no idea how much could change with a new companion.

So first, we have had some changes with the area. We only have 1 investigator now, it's the one we were supposed to baptize Saturday. She's not ready though, so we pushed it back to the 23. Other than that we spend 4-7 hours everyday out on the street contacting. It's been pretty rough. Zamora isn't super big so we have had a few times where we talk to the same person 2 or 3 times in one day. The other problem is that it hasn't gotten above 30° in a few days so no one is outside. We are basically in the same spot right now as when they opened the area this last spring. It does sound like we're moving to Benavente soon. We will be reopening that area. I'm excited but nervous. We don't really have anything to start with so we'll see how it goes.

We have zone conference tomorrow. So right now we are making the 4 hour drive north to A Coruña. I'm really excited. I've heard that it's actually going to be green up there and they don't have sheep everywhere.We're going to spend our pday together as a zone so I think we're going to play some beach soccer and volleyball and then go caroling tonight. It should be cool cause we have 2 zones together. It should be over 50 missionaries. That's a good sized choir in the street. Oh, we're staying in a Meriott tonight. Yeah, nice huh. Idk what happened there. Last thing, Galicia is beautiful and this feels like a real vacation.

Talk to you soon since I have pday again Monday.


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