Monday, May 14, 2018

Training Week 6 - Transfers and Mother's Day Calls


We had a crazy day today! We went to the African market this morning. Dad would have loved it. I'll go back and buy him something. Lots of spices and sauces. After that we grabbed some subway and headed back to the chapel to play risk with the Santa Cruz Hermanas. We played 2 games and I dominated both. ;) 

So I uploaded a few pictures. The cool one is of me holding a parrot. We found a guy on the street and while we taught him the restoration his pet parrot landed by us and he let me hold him. That was cool. 

Don't worry about the car situation. We will get it figured out. The biggest thing is just making sure elder Rogers handles it ok. I'll tell you more next week!

Love you guys! It was fun talking yesterday!


Fun things we talked about on Mother's Day:

Transfers were this week (Elder Roger's has another 6 weeks of training so Josh isn't being transferred)

The Canary Islands will still be part of the Madrid Mission after the mission consolidation (July 1)

The car is still in the shop for a while (might be totalled)

Josh called from the church in Santa Cruz

He loves the islands and the people there! They play soccer every Saturday with ward members.

There are over 3000 members but only 280ish that are active. The missionaries reach out to inactive members. The new Ministering program has helped a lot. 

There are times when no one plays the piano at church so Josh and Elder Rogers are learning to play some of the Hymns so that they can play at church. They practice and are learning together.

Josh sings in the ward choir and has had a solo.

It has been close to 77° every day since Josh got to Puerto in January. The weather couldn't be more perfect. 

He says he is comfortable with the language and has finally figured out how to be sarcastic in Spanish. šŸ˜‰ He ended our call with a special Mother's Day message to me in Spanish. 

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