Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Training Week 7 - Boring Week

Hey guys,

Sorry about last week. It was a super short, last minute email. I think I mentioned in the call that we took Elder Brasher to the airport on Sunday. After that we were in a trio with Elder Jefferies until Monday night. So we got up early Monday and met the Hermanas at the Market. After that we grabbed lunch and played risk all day. Here's the thing though, we were busy, but not so busy I couldn't write. I just don't know what to write anymore, especially after talking last week. I've been here almost 5 months and things are starting to blend together. I'll think of some good stuff though.

Things are good here. Me and Elder Rogers get along super well. I have noticed a pattern with all of my companions that I have 2 transfers with. The first few weeks we are getting used to each other, then weeks 5 and 6 are a little harder because we start to get sick of each other (makes sense since we're within sight and sound of each other 24/7). After that though, we always start to blend into one person. We always get past the things that are annoying and we start to pick up each other's little habits. We noticed this week that we reached that point. We're NSYNC now.... Jaja

I kinda started freaking out this week. I've realized that the last 5 months have flown by, so the next 5 weeks will feel like nothing. I'm not ready to leave yet. I've been thinking a lot about last citas, last Pdays, all that stuff. I hit my 10 month mark in my mission this week, too. I'm seriously freaking out about how fast time is just disappearing. 

I loved hearing about the temple celebration this week. I wasn't able to open the link, it was blocked. But I'm watching lds.org for the video. I'm excited to see it. I really enjoyed dad's email about the vacation last weekend. I might live in paradise right now, but it's still long workdays. A weekend vacation sounds pretty good to me. 

I don't really have pictures this week, and I'm not sure what else to talk about, so I'm gonna stop writing now. I hope you guys have a good week. Talk to you later :) 

Elder Johnson

Ps. The email is labeled boring week because it was boring. Oh, and I forgot to talk about aquarius! I had that with lunch today. It's basically Spanish Gatorade, but I like it. But yeah, that's all. Hasta luego

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