Monday, July 23, 2018

The Church is true - even in Cuenca

Hey guys,

This week was good. We were super busy, so that's nice. We're finding lots to do, but we need to find some investigators. We only have about 3 right now. We have 2 others, but we haven't taught them since my first week.
We had to stop teaching Julian this week. He failed his baptismal interview because he was struggling with prophets, so Tuesday that's what we talked about. Things didn't go very well though. The lesson was 2 hours long and by the end it was just a big argument. It was pretty sad because he still wants to be baptized, but denies the book of Mormon and the prophet. He'll figure it out one day though. We'll probably teach him again in my time here.
Thursday we had exchanges. I was with Elder Bodhaine. He was in my district my first transfer in the islands. We had a lot of fun. We found a few potential investigators and a few guys to come play soccer with us on Fridays. We also went to an investigator's birthday party. We made brownies and they fed us domino's.
I keep thinking that cuenca is the same as Zamora, but there are always new things. I have had to study the handbooks a lot in this area, and I'm not talking about missionary handbooks, these are leadership handbooks. The branch tried to plan a movie night in the chapel. That sounds pretty fun. The problem was that it was a rated R movie and they wanted people to pay to enter. That's less fun. You can tell the church is still young here.
Yesterday President Fernando (Branch President) was on vacation, and the counselor didn't come. So it was like Zamora again. We had 3 members from our branch there. 3 minutes before starting we just split everything up. "I'll conduct the meeting, you speak. I'll pass the sacrament, you bless." Then it got really crazy. All at once 25 members showed up that are in Cuenca on vacation. We had to get more bread, fill another water tray, get more chairs. We started 15 minutes late. It was a good meeting though. It always runs smoothly in the end.
We had lunch with a member on Friday and I did something I said I would never do. She gave us so much food, and it was so bad. When she left the room I grabbed a few napkins and filled them with food and shoved them in my backpack. I felt bad, but she got mad last time because we didn't eat everything. I had no choice. šŸ˜‚ It's a good story though.
Thank you for sending those packages! I'm super excited to get them. Unfortunately we can't go to madrid to get them. It would cost 35€ and be about 7 hours in travel round trip. I'd rather just wait 2 weeks. We'll be there for transfers the beginning of August.
Just so you know, we are probably changing our pday to Tuesday next week so we can visit some museums.

Love you guys,

Elder Johnson

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