Monday, October 15, 2018

Spain weather is Wack


We're halfway through October, but it does not feel like that. Spain weather is Wack. It's worse than Utah. Its still hot and I'm ready for fall/winter. This week was good though. We had intercambios Tuesday and Wednesday with the zone leaders. I was with Elder Bodhaine again. He was my district leader in Cuenca and we were in the same district in the islands. This was my second Intercambio with him. We were working in Sevilla, but mostly in the church. We were inside teaching lessons the entire time. We only left for about an hour and that was to grab food. Other than that they just had appointments lined up all day. It was fun. I prefer that over tons of time in the street.
So about 4 months ago there was a baptism here in Dos Hermanas. We have been working with him since I got here. His name is Jorge. He's super cool. He's 16 and super involved in everything. He's planning on a mission once he graduates. We have been teaching his mom and she's ready for baptism. We have taught her everything. The only thing holding her back is her job. She works on Sundays and can't come to church. We fasted with her this week so she can find a better job and be baptized. The ward is also looking for ways to help her. I'll keep you updated on that one.
The weather has been changing. It's cooling off a little, like 85 rather than 90. Today is actually a lot cooler though. It's actually sweater weather. I miss the holidays, like Halloween or thanksgiving. We (more like I because he doesn't speak English) teach English classes on Wednesdays, and the group that has been coming just likes to practice conversations. I've been taking advantage and I just ask about Spanish history, stuff to do on Pdays, and where to eat. So far it's been working pretty well. That's how I found out about the festival of nations. One of the ladies is going to make us gazpacho this week, and she gave us a ton of pumpkins and fruits this last week. We were talking about where to buy pumpkins because we want to make jack-o-lanterns. She told us where to buy them, and then went and bought them for us. I'll upload a picture of everything she gave us. Sometimes people are just super nice and it's really cool.
I guess the pictures finally uploaded around Friday this week. We went to the cathedral in sevilla last monday. I guess it's the 3rd biggest in the world. We saw a bunch of other cool building and churchs. We also went to the festival of nations. It was pretty cool. They had some great food. I wish that I had 50€ to spend there. It was pretty expensive. The only thing I tried was piroshki in the Russian booth. It was super good. A lot of the guys got tacos at the Mexican booth. I miss Mexican food. 

Today we were going to go to Costco with our ward mission leader. Neither of us really have money left to burn this month and his wife had the card so we would have to go later in the day, so we're just gonna do it another week. I'm pretty excited for Costco though. They even have hotdogs and pizza here. We also had plans to play sports in sevilla but that fell through, so now we're just chilling in piso. We're gonna clean a ton and have some time to write later today. Nothing special, but I'm not complaining. I am happy to relax. 

Talk to you later,

Elder Johnson

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